Monday 30 November 2015

Moments of 2015!!!!!!

Me trying to find gifs for posts
Two more weeks to the end of the year which mean that I will be leaving St Bens. I've been here for almost eight years and one of my favorite memories  has been Year Eight Camp! This weeks task is to write about one of your favorite memories from this year and also to predict where the Big Day Out will be.


Group 3
Camp was a whole week of fun activities including Caving, High Ropes, Overnight stays, Canoeing, Bridge Jumping and many more activities! Like I said this was my favorite moment of 2015. I had soooooooooooooooooo much fun and I bet all the rest of the year eights would agree with me. Year sevens if you enjoyed Year Six camp, OPC is about 1 million times better! One thing that I found really fun was that all of the boys were all in one cabin and all the girls were in about four different ones. I also really liked my group that I was with, I was with my two best Year Eight friends who are Ethan and Tyler.

Big Day Out

Just trying to remember some of the Big Day Outs
Ugh.... This year I have no clue is to where we are suppose to be going with nearly 300 kids. The Big Day Out is a day where the whole of the school goes on this trip to somewhere around Wellington. I have been on about seven or eight Big Day Outs in the past here are some of the ones that I have went on

  • 2008:Cant remember
  • 2009:  H20 Extreme
  • 2010:Cant remember
  • 2011: Wellington Zoo
  • 2012: Some bird sanctuary 
  • 2013: Zelandia 
  • 2014: Junglerama in town/ indoor sports
Like I said its pretty hard trying to find a place for 300 children to do stuff at once, which is why I don't think the teachers tell us about where we are going. We also have to think of some places that we could go to this year.
  • Some bird place
  • Zoo
  • Te Papa
  • Some inflatable place
  • Indoor Sports
  • Pool
There are not many options that we can choose from. Another task is to say your favorite Big Day Out which was......... last years one where we did sports!

Danke everyone for reading this weeks post!
Remember this....
Do not become clumsy

Monday 23 November 2015

Next Year!

Guten tag!
Just deal with it im back with another post!!!!!
Next year I will be going to St Patrick's college in Wellington. I am actually really excited about going next year. They have way cooler technology and have really good subjects. Ever since I went too the two open days last year, and this year it has been amazing how much cool stuff they have at the school. Just recently, I went to the testing for next year. After I finished my test I didn't know what to do so I said to Jarden

Me: What do we do if we have finished our test?

Jarden: I don't know.
and then the teacher who was watching us came up to me and said

Teacher: STOP TALKING! If you talk you will fail your test and I will not give you a second chance.
I just sat there stunned until I said,

Me: But I have already finished my test and I was just asking Jarden what to do if we had finished!

Max, Tom and Andrew just started to snigger and laugh. Anyway this weeks task is to write about how we are feeling about next year!

Like I said I am actually not that nervous about going to college but I know some people who are freaking out about it. The only thing that I am not looking forward too is the homework. Homework kills me!!!!! I don't normally take tasks home so I am not that used to it at the moment. There are many thing that I want to achieve next year including getting good grades, get into the cricket team, get into the swimming team and make new friends. The list could probably go on forever, but I don't have forever. Anyway, some thing that might be challenging is the homework, making new friends and possibly missing my year seven friends at St Ben's.

Thank You for reading this weeks post! I will really miss St Benedict's next year! Remember this....
Don't let your dreams be dreams so..


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Book Week!

Hi human, or any other creature you may be!
For the past few/one week it has been book week for our school.This means that the whole of the week is based about books. On Friday last week we had a large parade around the school and we did the golden ticket where if you find out the clues to the hidden, golden ticket. For book character day I dressed up as Newt for the Maze Runner. I also won a prize for the most realistic costume which I was not expecting. This weeks task is to write about three activities we took place in during the book week.

Kate De Goldi

On Wednesday last week Kate De Goldi came in and talked to us. She grew up in Christchurch and now lives in Wellington. She talked to us about different types of writing that she uses whilst she writes, also some of her books. Some of her books include, Sanctuary, Acb, and Billy.

Book Parad

On Friday, like I said we did the book parade in the morning. The whole of the school went down to the courts and we walked around the courts showing off our costumes. Like I said, I won the prize of most realistic in the intermediate. It was really cool seeing all of the cool costumes all around the school.

Book Qui

The book quiz was after the parade. To do the book quiz you got split up into your year groups and you asked a series of  questions related to books. I wasn't in for the years seven and Eights quiz but Ngatoto did pretty well.

Danke everyone for reading this week!

Monday 9 November 2015

Favorite Book

Hello Everyone,

Today post is to write about our favorite book from when I was younger. I don't know how young So I am just going to do about when I was  6 or 7. I am going to write about the Diary of a Wimpy kid series. 

book cover
These books are about an ordinary Kid called Greg Heffley who is at middle school in America. He has a very embarrassing family with two brother's. One is called Rodrick who is older and another one called Manny who is a very typical annoying little brother. Greg has a best friend called Rowley who Greg fights with in most of the books. Greg also has a crush on a girl in his class called Holly Hills. Greg is more of an indoor person who likes to spend his summer inside paying video games and sleeping in until noon. Greg is also very wimpy and cocky. I like this series because it is funny and has awkward moments at different times. 


Rowley Greg's only friend 
 Rowley is Greg's only friend who is very embarrassing (the way Greg finds him). The two friends have many fights throughout all of the series.


Rodrick, Greg's annoying older brother 
Rodrick is Greg's older brother who ditched school and has a band called Loded Diper (its suppose to say Loded Diaper) 


Manny is another one of Greg's brothers who always blames stuff on Greg.

Dairy of a wimpy kid was also made out of a movie.

Danke everyone for visiting! And....


Tuesday 3 November 2015

Australian rules, MATE!

Anyone who may come across this blog post. I hope everyone had a good week last week! This weeks blog post is about AFL and some of the skills we learnt last week.

 On Thursday last week we went out to do AFL.  AFL is a sport were there is a huge field and there are 4 posts. Two of them are small and the other two in the middle are tall. If you kick the ball into the two tall ones you would get six points and one point in the small ones. Some catch phrases are "lases' away from faces". The lases is the thing down the centre which you have away from you when you kick the ball or pass. The other skill the we learnt was to do a drop punt. A drop punt is when you kick the ball and you have your fingers facing downwards. The AFL game rules is that there are no off sides which I personally think it the best rule  and that you have to tackle. I used to play rugby and I found it pretty fun doing all of the tackling but the rule that I hated that there were off sides. Another good rule is there no red or yellow cards, I think you just get sent off straight away.

Three things that I learnt are, laces away from faces, to do a drop punt and to have your fingers like pointing down like an arrow.

Danke everyone for visiting this weeks blog. Thanks again for visiting! WELL DONE ABS


Monday 26 October 2015

hello gif animated GIF
People of the the world! Today I got my 3000th view on my blog. I just wanted to thank everyone for visiting and leaving comments, Today's topic is........... Favorite game, book, TV show, movie or whatever you can think of. So lets get started shall we. is a multiplayer game the I am addicted to at the moment. The whole point of the game is to go around and try to get bigger whilst trying to not get eaten while your trying to eat other people. It sounds confusing but when you actually play it, it makes a lot more sense. Many YOU TUBERS play I really like this games because it is so addicting that I cannot stop playing. I also like it because you can get top in your server and your mass get really massive.

If you want to get on the computer its free, just search it up on the internet and you can also get it on apple and android for free. (I recommend it)

Danke everyone for visiting And once again thanks for the 3000th page view whoever got it is awesome!

Question:Whats your highest score on (My one is 8625!!)


Sunday 18 October 2015

Future Job!


soothing plane GIF
Fellow people of the world. I am back with another post for you guys. So this weeks task is to write about you ideal future job. In my case I want to be a pilot when I'm old enough!

Ever since I was a young boy I have always wanted to fly planes.  I'm also obsessed with planes as most of you know. This job really appeals to me because I've been wanting to fly planes since I was very young and it just appealed to me that, that is what I want to do when I'm older. I have also been very lucky to be able to go on two trial flight for the past two years. Most of you are probably asking what a trial flight is. A trial flight is for young people to go up in a small plane and fly the plane with a professional. I even got to do the taking offs and the landings.

The subjects that when I go to college that will help me with achieving are Math, for navigation and the instrumentation (not musical instruments). I will also have to take science.

There really isn't really anything that could help me with becoming a pilot at the moment, except flying on the flight simulator at home but that gets boring. :(

Danke everyone for visiting this weeks post! Also well done to Room 11 for winning the dodgeball cup last Friday and the Spring Fair where we nearly raised 30K!

Question:What's your favourite place in NZ?


Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Movies

Welcome back to another one of my posts! I hope everyone had a good holidays. This week we have to write about something that we did in the holidays. I am going to write about the three movies that I went too.

On the first day of the holidays I went to the new Maze Runner movie with Henry, Robert and Fraser. The movie was about a zombie apocalypse and the sun scorching the earth.

The next movie saw was Everest with my Mum and Dad. I didn't really like this movie because there was so much talking that it got quite boring. At the end it started to get a little bit better. The movie was about a New Zealand climber Rob Haul who was a guide up Mount Everest and he died after trying to save someone else who also died. :)

The final movie that I went too was with Henry and Jarden. We caught the train into Wellington and walked to the cinema and got lunch. We saw the Martin. It was such a good movie. But it was really long which was quite annoying and also the cinema was like 30 degrees inside. The movie was about a man who worked for NASA got ditched on mars and he had to survive on Mars for four years. This movie would have to be my favorite movie by far that I saw.

Danke everyone for reading! Comment what movie you saw in the holidays!Goodbye!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Arty Stuff!

Can anyone please give some ideas on some greetings for the "hello" at the start of my post. The topic for this weeks is........ To upload two pictures from art week and to tell you why you like them.

Space Cat!!!!!!!
Over the past few weeks the whole of the school made artwork to show off to the parents. It is called art week. I think it is called art week because it is over a series of weeks but when we show the parents i just think it should be "Art Day". our class got given the theme space! We did most of our time was spent on making TIE fighter or X-wings for the outside Star Wars art. Our class made all different types of art including space Invaders.. My favorite art that i made was the Space Invader and here it is....

This is my Space Invader. We actually made the Space Invader at the and then last minute. We had a choice to make one big one or three or four small ones. I chose to make one big one. First of all we have to find a piece of colored paper and then we would cut squares and then get a piece of black A4 paper, then we would stick the colored paper onto the black paper and leave little lines in between the squares.

The next art pieces that i like is the Mars Sunset made by the intermediate classes. i think this piece of art looks amazing! i didn't help do the background but i made on of the little aliens  roaming around the mars!

Thank you everyone for visiting!!!!
Today i am going to start a new thing on my blog called fact of the week so here is is!

Sunday 6 September 2015

A Poem!

Today task is to write about a poem that I have written over the past few weeks. One of my favourite poems that I wrote is the squash club one. Here it is.

First Try
When I was a boy
I remember running down
The sideline.

Feeling the squishy mud
stick onto my boots and
Holding a thick rugby ball.

Seeing ten people running
towards me
I sprinted my hardest,
dodging people from both sides
of me.
I sprinted even more.

Jumping over the white
Painted line, putting
down the ball.

Hearing heaps of clapping
and cheering and feeling
heaps of glory.

I really like this poem because
it brings back a memory when I scored my first  rugby try.
Danke everyone for visiting this week


Tuesday 1 September 2015

An Artist!

Hello everybody to another one of my post. Today task is to write about an artist you like and to tell you two of your favourite pieces of art from them. There are so many good artist to choose from. My decision is Piet Mondrian (clap) (clap)!!!!!!

Piet Mondrian was born on the 7th of March 1872 and he died on the 1st of February 1944. He has done many different types of abstracts with the colours Red, Yellow and Blue. He was born in the Netherlands and he died in New York.

One of my favourite pieces of art is this one.
 <------------ I really like this painting because its a really original piece of art. I also really like the black lines in-between the different colours.  Another painting  that I really like by Piet is......

This one with the red tree. I really like this painting because all of the colours around  the tree and the tree itself. The blue background make the painting look even better.

Danke everyone for visiting and reading!


Wednesday 26 August 2015


Guten Tag!
On the 26th of August all of the year Seven and Eights were apart of the first ever sport fest. Sport Fest is a event all around Wellington. I was in the boys dodge ball team with Henry, Harry, Jo, Andrew, Jesse, Liam, Riley, Mahon and Fraser.

Image result for 3rdOur team I think did really. We came 3rd in the boys dodge ball which I think is really well. We won a trophy for our team and school. We versed many different schools. our fist game was against Holy Cross school. Our team completely thrashed that team 4-1. Our next game was against Postgate school, we lost by 4-2. The next game was against Kahurangi Wetu school. We won to them but I cant remember the score. Next game was against Newlands Intermediate. We won once again but cant remember the score. Our very last game was against a very complicated school name which I cant pronounce, we lost this game by 4-1. Overall we came 3rd for the boys dodge ball.

The way I helped my team was by letting everyone have the same amount of time on the court and being respectful to the other team. The venue and organisation was run really well. One thing that could be better is the length of the game and different rules.

Thanks everyone for reading!
