Tuesday 15 September 2015

Arty Stuff!

Can anyone please give some ideas on some greetings for the "hello" at the start of my post. The topic for this weeks is........ To upload two pictures from art week and to tell you why you like them.

Space Cat!!!!!!!
Over the past few weeks the whole of the school made artwork to show off to the parents. It is called art week. I think it is called art week because it is over a series of weeks but when we show the parents i just think it should be "Art Day". our class got given the theme space! We did most of our time was spent on making TIE fighter or X-wings for the outside Star Wars art. Our class made all different types of art including space Invaders.. My favorite art that i made was the Space Invader and here it is....

This is my Space Invader. We actually made the Space Invader at the and then last minute. We had a choice to make one big one or three or four small ones. I chose to make one big one. First of all we have to find a piece of colored paper and then we would cut squares and then get a piece of black A4 paper, then we would stick the colored paper onto the black paper and leave little lines in between the squares.

The next art pieces that i like is the Mars Sunset made by the intermediate classes. i think this piece of art looks amazing! i didn't help do the background but i made on of the little aliens  roaming around the mars!

Thank you everyone for visiting!!!!
Today i am going to start a new thing on my blog called fact of the week so here is is!


  1. nice post. long post. full of pictures

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mr Dinnan,
    That art work is just looking 'fabulous'
    I have a suggestion for the beginning of your post - say SQUEAK
    I will be reading your post next week.....

    1. Geez, Peter, "I will be reading your post next week"....Don't you think that sounds a tad bit creepy? Oh well, awesome post Oliver! Luv the space cat, lol!

  4. Very interesting fact
    Nice post Oli

  5. Nice post Oli... love the fact at the end!

  6. Noice one bruh! I totally agree with you about art week and art day thing

  7. hi bro i'm sorry it was so late but your post was great
