Monday 30 November 2015

Moments of 2015!!!!!!

Me trying to find gifs for posts
Two more weeks to the end of the year which mean that I will be leaving St Bens. I've been here for almost eight years and one of my favorite memories  has been Year Eight Camp! This weeks task is to write about one of your favorite memories from this year and also to predict where the Big Day Out will be.


Group 3
Camp was a whole week of fun activities including Caving, High Ropes, Overnight stays, Canoeing, Bridge Jumping and many more activities! Like I said this was my favorite moment of 2015. I had soooooooooooooooooo much fun and I bet all the rest of the year eights would agree with me. Year sevens if you enjoyed Year Six camp, OPC is about 1 million times better! One thing that I found really fun was that all of the boys were all in one cabin and all the girls were in about four different ones. I also really liked my group that I was with, I was with my two best Year Eight friends who are Ethan and Tyler.

Big Day Out

Just trying to remember some of the Big Day Outs
Ugh.... This year I have no clue is to where we are suppose to be going with nearly 300 kids. The Big Day Out is a day where the whole of the school goes on this trip to somewhere around Wellington. I have been on about seven or eight Big Day Outs in the past here are some of the ones that I have went on

  • 2008:Cant remember
  • 2009:  H20 Extreme
  • 2010:Cant remember
  • 2011: Wellington Zoo
  • 2012: Some bird sanctuary 
  • 2013: Zelandia 
  • 2014: Junglerama in town/ indoor sports
Like I said its pretty hard trying to find a place for 300 children to do stuff at once, which is why I don't think the teachers tell us about where we are going. We also have to think of some places that we could go to this year.
  • Some bird place
  • Zoo
  • Te Papa
  • Some inflatable place
  • Indoor Sports
  • Pool
There are not many options that we can choose from. Another task is to say your favorite Big Day Out which was......... last years one where we did sports!

Danke everyone for reading this weeks post!
Remember this....
Do not become clumsy