Tuesday 17 November 2015

Book Week!

Hi human, or any other creature you may be!
For the past few/one week it has been book week for our school.This means that the whole of the week is based about books. On Friday last week we had a large parade around the school and we did the golden ticket where if you find out the clues to the hidden, golden ticket. For book character day I dressed up as Newt for the Maze Runner. I also won a prize for the most realistic costume which I was not expecting. This weeks task is to write about three activities we took place in during the book week.

Kate De Goldi

On Wednesday last week Kate De Goldi came in and talked to us. She grew up in Christchurch and now lives in Wellington. She talked to us about different types of writing that she uses whilst she writes, also some of her books. Some of her books include, Sanctuary, Acb, and Billy.

Book Parad

On Friday, like I said we did the book parade in the morning. The whole of the school went down to the courts and we walked around the courts showing off our costumes. Like I said, I won the prize of most realistic in the intermediate. It was really cool seeing all of the cool costumes all around the school.

Book Qui

The book quiz was after the parade. To do the book quiz you got split up into your year groups and you asked a series of  questions related to books. I wasn't in for the years seven and Eights quiz but Ngatoto did pretty well.

Danke everyone for reading this week!

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