Monday 8 December 2014

What I am Looking Forwed to in the Holiday


This will probably be my last blog post for the year.

Maybe in the holidays I will do some posts.

I'm not promising that though.

But I will be back in 2015. Yeah!
My plans for the holidays is to do many cool stuff including going to my cuzzies house for Christmas day, going to swim camp, surf life saving, opening presents on Christmas day, going to church on Christmas Eve, hanging out with my friends and having fun times with my family.
I am not really going anywhere except going to my cousins house on Christmas day like I just said. I will also be going up to my Nan and Pops' house each week to spend a night with them.
I will be doing many fun stuff including having my friends over going swimming in our family's pool, celebrating my cousins 1st birthday and Christmas day will probably be the most  fun day out the whole holidays. On the 9 days till Christmas after school ends I will be making presents for fiends and family, which will be fun.
My family have a couple Christmas traditions including Christmas tree presents (secret Santa if you don't know what Christmas tree presents is), my mums side all go to our houses or my cousins house on Xmas day.
So this will be my last official blog post for 2014. I will miss a lot of year eights like Astin, Paolo and the person I will miss the most is Alister he is one of my best friends and he is going to Melbourne. Good Luck to all the year eights for next year! And I will be back next year all refreshed and ready to do some more a post!
GOODBYE! ( good luck year eights!)


Wednesday 3 December 2014

My Highlights of Term 4!

Hello today I will be talking about my highlights of term 4!

  • Dodgeball was one of my faviourtes.
  • Atheletics was also pretty fun.
  • Year 7 retreat was way better than other years.
  • Japanese was a really fun languge to learn.
  • Space was also really interesting to learn about.
  • And lucky last tasks.
And this is some of my highlights of the year. My theme will aslo be a dodge ball court and people throwng dodge balls.

  • Production was my absloute faviourte.
  • Electives was really fun as well.
  • E.O.T.C week was fun.
  • The big day out will be fun.
  • Swimming sports.
And thankyou for reading this blog post and remeber to keep those commments up,


Monday 24 November 2014

Next Year

Today I will be talking about how I am feeling about year eight. Honestly I am very exited about being a year eight, you would be the leaders of the school, get to sit on chairs in assembly and the most exiting thing, CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!! It's also nearly Christmas which means we get presents and  its nearly the end of being a year seven. PHEW! halfway through being in intermediate school.

Some things that I think that will be challenging is that tasks will be expected to a more higher standard than last year. Trying to beat the little year sevens next year at dodge ball.

Things I want to achieve is being catholic character, get excellence badge and house captain .... kind of. I also want to make some new friends in year seven I all ready have a lot but more will be good :) I also want to achieve higher in my swimming sports. Also the cross country I want to get into the northern zones.

Thank-you for reading this blog post for this week remember to keep commenting and thank you to Joseph Rundle for commenting on most of my blog post here is the link for his epic blog down below

and goodbye! FOR NOW!


Tuesday 18 November 2014

Ma Speech was Nerveracking!!!!!!!

Honestly this is what I thought when I did my speech, I was nervous, scared, freaked out, once again scared and every negative thought you could think of. I was also shaking!

My Speech topic was how weather helped us and our environment.

I didn't go as good as I hoped for but I still think it went alright. I have got some good comments on it and it has only been about 20 minutes since I did it. So that is alright.

So far I have really liked Sam V's, Frankie's, Jarden's, Olivia's speech and Samantha's speeches. That would have to be  my top 5 speeches so far and its only Wednesday.

And that was my blog post for this week and remember to keep those comments up!

Image result for keep calm and do speeches

Monday 17 November 2014

50th blog post special and more funny quotes

remember to keep up those comments until next time

Monday 10 November 2014

Funny Quotes!!!:)


remember to comment if you thought these pic where funny!

Sunday 9 November 2014

Recent Book I Read

A recent book a read was Harry Riddles and how he made a MEGA AMAZING zombie movie.

The title basically gives away what the book is about this 10 year old kid named Harry Riddles whos dad just lost his job and his famiy are getting poor and he wants to make a zombie movie. Harry alos gets help by the Queen Harry Styles and alto more famous people to make his movie.

The thing I like about this book is that its quite easy to read and very interesting at the same time.

My favoiurte charcter would have to be Harry because he is really cool and funny.

I would have to rate this book a 4/5.

And that was my post for this week and remeber to keep those comments up and GOODBYE!

Monday 3 November 2014

ma speech!.




Monday 27 October 2014


For the past three weeks the year seven and eight of St Benedict’s School have been learning about space as our topic at the moment. This post is about something interesting.

One thing that I learnt was that there are between 100-200 billion galaxies in the Universe and in each galaxy there are about 500 billion stars. The thing that interested me about how many galaxies are in this universe and when you think about the universe is huge.

And that is my blog post for this week.. Goodbye!

Sunday 12 October 2014

Mission Inflatable

Mission Inflatable!

Last Saturday I went to Mission Inflatable, which is where there is a land of inflatables. I went there because one of my friends had a birthday party there and after that we went to his house for a sleepover.

My faviourte thing about Mission Inflatable was there was a rodeo bull which you could ride and try to stay on for as long as you can, I got 74 seconds on the bull, (it wasnt a real bull). Another great thing was there was these big balls from wipout which you coud go across, we really enjoyed pushing people  of them and the negative thing about that was that you somtimes got bad recations from the people you pushed off. We also played ball tag around all the inflatables.

That was one of my highlights of these holidays and GOODBYE!

Monday 15 September 2014

My interests


This week our syndicate teachers Mrs Bloger and Ms Bloger (the best) gave the years 7&8  no blog post so today (Tuesday for me or what ever day it is for you) I my self, dicieded to do a blog post about some stuff i'm interested in.

Ipod / Computer

I love to play on my Ipod or the family computer on a daily basis such as on weekday on the computer I love to do sporcle quizes like countries of Oceania, Eourpe, Aisa and somtimes even the World. On of the un educational games I love palying on my Ipod which is Clash of Clans. Clash of Clans is about when you start of with a very small village and you grow and grow and grow and grow your village. MInecraft is another game I am fairly interested in, I really enjoy playing on some servers like Mineplex, MC Central and servers like that. Some of the mini games on Minecraft are really fun probally my two favourite ones are Hunger games and Skywars. I really enjoy playing on sporcle, Clash of Clans and Minecraft.


I aboustally adore one sport which most of you could all guess…….. HUM?………O yes?……….. wait its gone……… Swimming? yes I adore this sport which like I just said. The strokes are Freestyle, Backstorke, Breststroke and my absoult favourite the harsh, hard Butterfly. Most people hate the stroke of Butterfly but some how I really enjoy it. I also quite like Breaststroke and Freestyle but Backstroke I really hate but i'm quite good at is Backstorke. This sport is really fun and I would really reccomend it for everyone. Another sport which I do in the summer is Surf Life Saving. Some of you would say thats a stuiped sport of that even isnt even a sport. Surf Live Saving is really fun and you get to learn all these good skills like how to paddle on a paddle bord, sprinting on sand and even how to do CPR. Surf Life Saving is a really good and fun sport to learn and it one of the fastest growing sports in the world.

Home / Out Door Activities 

One of the things I love doing at home is having water fights and running around outside in my togs when its the middle of winter. Some how its crazy I love doing that but it is really enjoyable. A also like having my friends around after school on Fridays and sleepovers. I like going to the pool somtimes and practice some swimming and going to the epicest water slides.

And that was some of my interests and GOODBYE for now!

Monday 8 September 2014

Sunday 7 September 2014

production once agian

Last week St Benedicts school had a production. The production was about this bad guy called Neon with her henchmen Jerry and Krug are on a mission to try to steal every piece of Joution Tech in the glaxy, whalst the good guy Argon and with his team of S.P.A.C.E (special protection agiasnt cirtan evil) agents Steilan and Jamerson are trying to stop Neon.

My highlights where probally saying my line (sure thing hit it boys) and doing stuff backstage. The scences that I probally enjoyed the most was definatlly cantina, S.P.A.C.E headquaters and rooms sixes scence. I felt pretty good with my peformace, by the way I was band member number 2 and Alister was band member number 1.

And that was my post for this week

and GOODBYE for now!

Sunday 31 August 2014


Hello and this is another post of THE EPIC PRODUCTION! The 1st production is two days away and  I am a bit exited and at the same time nervous if the dance is going to fail or some bit of the coustume is going to fall off and stuff like that.

The thing I am really exited about is when we get to go to the thertare for the whole day instaed of doing like maths writing reading but instaed we have a whole day wthout that! I hope my Mum and Dad get me to the thertare on time before the show which is a whole hour to set up and get to know backstage a bit better. My MuM and Dad are coming on the second night of the production wich is the Thursday.

And this was this post for this week and Goodbye for now:)

P.S sorry for no photos because the paste button at home isn't working.

Sunday 24 August 2014

last one to comment wins!!!

The last person to comment on the blog post will win something on Friday by me

so please comment and Goodbye for now!


Hello this weeks reflection is on what I have learnt about parliament and elections. These are some of the things that I have learnt

  • NZ's head of state is the sovereigns which is Queen Elizabeth.

  • The first election for Maori members of Parliament was in 1868.

  • The word Parliament come from a French word " Parli " which means talk in French

  • The sovereigns  aren't allowed in the house of representatives because it is a law.

That  is some of the things I have learnt last week and keep visiting this blog.


  for now!

Sunday 17 August 2014

Reading challenge!

Reading challenge!

Every term the years 7's and 8's have a reading challenge which is where you have to read a certain amount of books from different categories. Last term we did book bingo where there is this sheet of book challenges like read a book with a one word title, a book written  by a female author, a forgotten classic, a book that is based on a true story and heaps more. This term there is

  • Read 10 books in a term.
  • Read 20 books in a term.
  • Read a book that you randomly pick off the shelf without looking.
  • Read 3 books from a series.
  • Read a classic book
  •  Read a book set in space.
  • Read a book recommended by a family member.

Those are the reading challenges for term 3 and I think I might complete most of them.

 for now!

Sunday 10 August 2014

Swimming is Awesome


Swimming is obviously the best sport in the WORLD! I think this because fun when your go to swim meets/ competitions you can sometime see people break wellington records, NZ records and very rarely see world records like what lauren Boyle broke a world record on Saturday at the Wellington Championships.

What Skills Do I Learn

The skills you learn is how to swim and this is a fact only 12% of NZ kids know how to swim only 12% that is crazy

This is why swimming is the best sport in the WORLD!


 for now!

Tuesday 5 August 2014


 Hello thank you everyone for all of the views and please keep on visiting and once again thank-you!

 For now!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Production relection

This year the school of St Benedicts  have a Production. We have the production every 2 year. This years Production is called Agents of S.P.A.C.E. I'm in the Cantina Band with Max, Alister and Frankie.

How is our dance going?

The band hasn't even started our dance because we haven't finished our instrument's.

My lines

My lines are going really well because I only have one line.


The bands props are going quite well all we need to finish is one instrument.

The production is going to very good and I know I'm going to have a good time

 for now!

Monday 28 July 2014

inspirational song

HELLO my inspirational song is EVERYTHING IS AWESOME from the lego movie. I like this song because means that basically everything is awesome. I also like this song cause it comes from a pretty cool movie. The singers of the song are Tegan and Sara.  And here are the lyrics

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

3, 2, 1. Go

Have you heard the news, everyone's talking
Life is good 'cause everything's awesome
Lost my job, it's a new opportunity
More free time for my awesome community

I feel more awesome than an awesome possum
Dip my body in chocolate frostin'
Three years later, wash off the frostin'
Smellin' like a blossom, everything is awesome
Stepped in mud, got new brown shoes
It's awesome to win, and it's awesome to lose (it's awesome to lose)

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I, gonna win forever, let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

Blue skies, bouncy springs
We just named two awesome things
A Nobel prize, a piece of string
You know what's awesome? EVERYTHING!

Dogs with fleas, allergies,
A book of Greek antiquities
Brand new pants, a very old vest
Awesome items are the best

Trees, frogs, clogs
They're awesome
Rocks, clocks, and socks
They're awesome
Figs, and jigs, and twigs
That's awesome
Everything you see, or think, or say
Is awesome

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

 for now

Tuesday 24 June 2014

My art

My Art

This is one of my master pieces……. Just kidding!!
This photo is one of my art works that I had to do in the intermediate classes. This is my personal favourite. The two classes had to do this based on the Ancient Egypt topic that I was doing. This art work is of Anubis tapping the nose of the mummy with hieroglyphics around it. This was one of the longer art works that I had to do. The hieroglyphics around spelt out " hello I am eleven years old and I live in New Zealand".  There were some other sentences around it but I can't remember what they said. BYE!

Sunday 15 June 2014



Hi in this post im going to be talking about……………… ANCIENT EGYPT! This a topic that both of the intermediate classes have been lerning in the parst term.  The Ancient Egyptians where actully really smart people, rember this was like 5000 years ago and the new how to preserve people that is amazing


I have lernt alot of stuff. One of the thing I lernt was what hyroglifics where. I also lernt alot of teamwork with buliding or minecraft tomb and making a powerpoint of weapons…… Wait I lernt quite some stuff about weapons in Ancient Egypt….


The activites that I like is the minecrft quite a bit. I also liked the powerpoint that Sam B, Anthony and I made..

And that is my post for this wek BYE!

Sunday 8 June 2014



Gymnastics I find not the funiest thing to do but it's alright. Every Thursday room eight, nine, 11 and 12 go down to our local recreation centre and do some sports. At  the moment we're doing gymnastics which is alright but not the funiest thing to do like I mentioned. 

Fav parts

My faviourte thing to do there where the warm up games. There where also some other fun stuff like the slide, trampoline and the warm down games. 


There where three differet routines every time. First the class will play a warm up game like Ship to shore, Octupus, line tag and heaps more. After the games the two somtimes three instructors will split you up into three groups and go off and do different stuff. Each routine would last I think 11 minuets im not sure. After 11 minuets we would go tho the other routine and do another activity. some of the activitey where balance beams, foward rolls and heaps more. After an exausting 33 minuets the class would have a warm down game.

What I improved in

The main thing I improved in was the foward rolls and the back rolls. There are alot more things I improved in as well though.

That was my post for this week and GOODBYE!

Monday 2 June 2014

Somthing I lerned

Somthing I lerned…..

One thing I learned last week was Hyroglifics were and i know it somunds a bit crazy that I dont know what they are but it's true.  Hyroglifics are A type of writing that the Acncient Egyptins used in tombs. I'll probally rember hyroglifics by all of the stuff we have already lernt and it will just come to my mind when we're talking about any Egypt stuff. I lernt hyroglifics by my teacher telling my class about some hyroglifics art and that is my  post for this week.........

Sunday 18 May 2014

my fav book

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson Dairy!!!!

I used to love Hairy Maclary books and when I mean love I mean Love, Love. This book was written by an author named Lynley Dodd. I remember my mum or dad read it to me just about every night actually every night. It's about this dog called Hairy Maclary who loves cashing in cats and he lives in this dairy called Donaldsons Dairy… I actully cant rember what I liked about it but I know it's real good book and that was my post foe this week!!!!!

Sunday 4 May 2014

Holiday fun time

 The Lego Movie

George and I went to Tauranga for a holiday in the second week of the school break. My Grandama came down and picked us up and we flew to Wellington.  My Grandam took George and I to the Lego movie which was one of the best things we did, its one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's about this ordinary guy called Emmet who's a construction worker and he loves this song called EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! He meets this girl called Lucy A.K.A Wildstyle and they go on this long adventure to the Cowboy land and Crazy Coo Coo land. Emmet finds this big rock called the piece of resistance which can make you into a Master Builder. That is pertty much all I have to say about the Lego Movie and I would rate it 5/5. 

Sunday 13 April 2014



Mission fair was indeed epic! We had a great time! My stall had Tyler, Ethan, Fraser and me. We had nerf wars which was awesome! We made about $50! Other stalls I heard made a mega $200. Our school raised $1940.90! Awesome!!

What went well?

The stuff that I reckon went well was all of the kids loved our nerf war games and all of the different nerf guns we had! We all had about 15 guns altogether! Epic!

What would I do better next time ??

The stuff I would do better next time would have to be the organising of the games so it would be faster moving and less of the same games. Unfortunately the line to some of the games was too long so some kids I think left.  Oh well!

I loved the fair anyway and perhaps next year I will do some kind of hunt, possibly an easter egg hunt!!!

Monday 31 March 2014



 HEY DOODS! I just wanted to do this post to say thank you to all the people who are leaving thoughtful comments to my blog.
Ive had about 13 comments on one post and about 5 or 6 on the other ones just saying thanks and BYE!!

Sunday 30 March 2014

things i like doing which is fun

Pool Time!!!

Most kids dont even have a pool or even a spa all to the sleves well familys. Well im one of the lucky ones my family has both. As you already know from other posts I love the sport swimming I just cant help it its real fun. I love swimming lenth to lenth with out an instructor telling me what to do. The things I like about it is that if the pool has a little chill on it we can just hop into the spa and on really hot days we can just jump straghit into the pool. I try to have a swim everyday in the summer and that was my post for next week and 240 pageviwes thats amazing for my first 9 weeks on blogger. I also have a favor for you to do can you please leave a comment on how much you would like a pool and BYE!!!

Sunday 23 March 2014



Statistics has been a thing that our two classes have been learing this past term. statistics has been pretty fun but not the funnest topic. In statistics includes graphs median, mode, mean and range also pie graphs.

What areas hae I improved on?

The stuff I have improve in the most is the understanding of the graphs. I also imporved in everthing ive already lernt a bit.

What do  i need to work on? 

The stuff i need to work on is Im not actully sure what I need to work on 

What did I do during the topic that helped me learn effectively ?

the stuuf I did effectively was the mean, median, mode and range.

And that was my post for this week. BYE!

Thursday 13 March 2014


BOO HOO! EOTC week is over..
This week has be such  a great experience I loved it.
My 3 faviourte things we did was going sailing, camp Katoke and Capital E [media lab]…
The year 7's also did sport at Narnville park and walk up mt kau kau and did some sport..

The stuff I personally found most chanllgeing were 
walking up mt kau kau, it was a bit changllgeing,
media lab was a bit and sailing….

This week was what I expected all of the stuff was fun and nice to

My proudest moments were completing sailing without getting
sea sick and winning this game called camouflage wicth we played at
Camp Kitoke…

The stuff I found easy were the media lab where we had to make a 2d video game it was a great

I love EOTC  week it was great fun and I cant wait till next year so i can
go to camp wicth will be way funner…..

Sunday 2 March 2014

Every Tuesday morning the year 7 and 8 students take a bus down to Kilbirne pool.
If you are an advanced swimmer you get to choose out of 4 things you would
like to do. 
I chose diving out of water safety, snorkeling, kayaking or diving.
Diving is so fun because we get to jump off the 1 meter board and the 3 meter board.
I like jumping off the 3 meter board as it feels good halfway in the air - then splat on the water!
I personally love diving because it's such a fun thing to do. And if you have a fear of jumping off
high stuff, diving would really help.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Hi I'm Oli and I love the sport swimming, I also do surf life saving thats pretty fun. I like drawing, reading, flying planes on flight simulator, water fights, having fun and my friends.  I love food my faviourte food is pasta, lollies, and strawberries. Thats all of the things I like.

From Oli


EOTC week sounds pretty cool. I can't wait to do it.
The things I'm most looking foward to are sailing,
camp kiatoke where we do kayaking roasting marshmellow.
The things I am most worried aboutare falling into the sea whilst
sailing and getting eaten by sharks. Except all of the stuff
I'm not looking forward to its going to be a fun week.