Sunday 8 June 2014



Gymnastics I find not the funiest thing to do but it's alright. Every Thursday room eight, nine, 11 and 12 go down to our local recreation centre and do some sports. At  the moment we're doing gymnastics which is alright but not the funiest thing to do like I mentioned. 

Fav parts

My faviourte thing to do there where the warm up games. There where also some other fun stuff like the slide, trampoline and the warm down games. 


There where three differet routines every time. First the class will play a warm up game like Ship to shore, Octupus, line tag and heaps more. After the games the two somtimes three instructors will split you up into three groups and go off and do different stuff. Each routine would last I think 11 minuets im not sure. After 11 minuets we would go tho the other routine and do another activity. some of the activitey where balance beams, foward rolls and heaps more. After an exausting 33 minuets the class would have a warm down game.

What I improved in

The main thing I improved in was the foward rolls and the back rolls. There are alot more things I improved in as well though.

That was my post for this week and GOODBYE!


  1. I improved with the rolly pollies as well

  2. I agree gymnastics isn't my favourite thing but at least it was fun

  3. i agree with you Catherine it isn't my fav but it is fun

  4. I didn't exactly like the trampoline after what happend to frankie. He almost fell off!!!!!!

  5. wow oli ur amaballs at spelling!! XD so you didnt like it?
