Last week St Benedicts school had a production. The production was about this bad guy called Neon with her henchmen Jerry and Krug are on a mission to try to steal every piece of Joution Tech in the glaxy, whalst the good guy Argon and with his team of S.P.A.C.E (special protection agiasnt cirtan evil) agents Steilan and Jamerson are trying to stop Neon.

My highlights where probally saying my line (sure thing hit it boys) and doing stuff backstage. The scences that I probally enjoyed the most was definatlly cantina, S.P.A.C.E headquaters and rooms sixes scence. I felt pretty good with my peformace, by the way I was band member number 2 and Alister was band member number 1.
And that was my post for this week
and GOODBYE for now!
very specific Oli
ReplyDeleteBy the way you should probably read the last sentence of the first Paragraph it doesn't really make sense :)
Nice Post Oli
ReplyDeleteNice Band Member 2