Monday 22 June 2015

Nairnville Sessions

Every Thursday our class goes down to Nairnville park for a hour to learn some type of sport. For about half of this term we learnt about gymnastics and then for two weeks we learnt  Rippa  rugby and then just last week we started Soccer. I'm pretty sure we still have another week of soccer.

The sport that I have enjoyed the most is Rippa Rugby. I don't know why this was my favourite sport because I played tackle rugby for a season but I didn't enjoy it. At Nairnville whenever I scored a try for my team I have scored  on the left wing and  sometimes on the middle but normally on the left wing.

I didn't learn any skills in gymnastic. But  in Rippa Rugby  learnt how to which are to pass the ball fast and quick and not to lob the ball because it gives the opposing team some time go get under the ball. A skill for soccer is  to spread out to drag the opposing team away for whoever has the ball.

 I have been getting involved in all of the sessions, well maybe not the gymnasits as much but soccer and rugby I have been getting involved in.  Also I have improved in my soccer and rugby quite a bit.  I didn't learn anything in gymnastics  because we do gymnastics every year at Nairnville and that I already know most of the stuff the teach us. One thing that I could get more out of the session is if I listen a bit better.

Some  other sports that we could do is futsul, squash, cricket, basketball, netball, tennis, nukenball, volleyball, NFL, AFL and badminton.

Thank You guys for reading this blog post and I will be back next week with another one!


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