Tuesday 2 June 2015

Book I Recently Read

A book that I have just recently read is.... Tom Gates Is Absolutely Fantastic. (At some things).

A bit about the plot is that Tom and his friend Derek go on a school activity/camping trip and that Tom entered a shirt design competition for his favourite band called Dude3 but forgets to send it to the company. Tom is the youngest in his family with one sibling called Delia (who he hates). He has two parents who Tom find really embarrassing when they are around his friends. Tom has many friends, his best friend is called Derek who lives next door to Tom. Tom hates this kid named Marcus who goes to his school. they both hate each other. An interesting quote from the book is "Mr Fullman's beady eyes", which is one of Toms teacher who looks like an owl. I liked many things about this book especially that it is a fairly easy read. I would recommend this book for 5- 13 year olds.

Thank you for reading this blog post. I will be back next week for another one!


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