Monday 22 June 2015

Nairnville Sessions

Every Thursday our class goes down to Nairnville park for a hour to learn some type of sport. For about half of this term we learnt about gymnastics and then for two weeks we learnt  Rippa  rugby and then just last week we started Soccer. I'm pretty sure we still have another week of soccer.

The sport that I have enjoyed the most is Rippa Rugby. I don't know why this was my favourite sport because I played tackle rugby for a season but I didn't enjoy it. At Nairnville whenever I scored a try for my team I have scored  on the left wing and  sometimes on the middle but normally on the left wing.

I didn't learn any skills in gymnastic. But  in Rippa Rugby  learnt how to which are to pass the ball fast and quick and not to lob the ball because it gives the opposing team some time go get under the ball. A skill for soccer is  to spread out to drag the opposing team away for whoever has the ball.

 I have been getting involved in all of the sessions, well maybe not the gymnasits as much but soccer and rugby I have been getting involved in.  Also I have improved in my soccer and rugby quite a bit.  I didn't learn anything in gymnastics  because we do gymnastics every year at Nairnville and that I already know most of the stuff the teach us. One thing that I could get more out of the session is if I listen a bit better.

Some  other sports that we could do is futsul, squash, cricket, basketball, netball, tennis, nukenball, volleyball, NFL, AFL and badminton.

Thank You guys for reading this blog post and I will be back next week with another one!


Sunday 14 June 2015



Over the past term the Year Seven's and Eights have been learning about German languge. German has been going really well and it is also very interesting. We watch this video series called Ja! We have learnt about greetings, days of the week, titles, countries, numbers and many more different things.  I don't think the college I'm going  to doesn't teach  German which is Saint Patricks College (town), but if there was I would defiantly learn German. Another language I would like to learn is French. Knowing a little bit more of German could help me in the future is by when I go to Germany in the future I can speak to the locals. German has been my favourite language I have learnt during the time I have been at school.


Monday 8 June 2015

EPIC Valuse

Epic is an acronym our school normally uses for many reasons.

E= Empathy
P= Perseverance  
I= Integrity
C= creativity

This word plays a huge part in how our school runs. The school only really started this EPIC values thing last year. You can see EPIC all over our school and I mean anywhere. It could be in the playground, in the classrooms, up the dive and in the corridors. The teachers have now started to hand out certificates at assembly which they call EPIC awards. The value that is probably the most easiest for me is perseverance for example finishing  all of my tasks on time and not to muck around in task time. The most difficult values for me is empathy. You can see these EPIC values all around the world and I think it is a pretty special acronym.


Tuesday 2 June 2015

Book I Recently Read

A book that I have just recently read is.... Tom Gates Is Absolutely Fantastic. (At some things).

A bit about the plot is that Tom and his friend Derek go on a school activity/camping trip and that Tom entered a shirt design competition for his favourite band called Dude3 but forgets to send it to the company. Tom is the youngest in his family with one sibling called Delia (who he hates). He has two parents who Tom find really embarrassing when they are around his friends. Tom has many friends, his best friend is called Derek who lives next door to Tom. Tom hates this kid named Marcus who goes to his school. they both hate each other. An interesting quote from the book is "Mr Fullman's beady eyes", which is one of Toms teacher who looks like an owl. I liked many things about this book especially that it is a fairly easy read. I would recommend this book for 5- 13 year olds.

Thank you for reading this blog post. I will be back next week for another one!