Sunday 24 May 2015

Learning about Galapagos Islands

For the past half term the intermediate classes have been learning about the Galapagos Islands and how the animals adapted and evolved to the environments of the Galapagos Islands. There are many animals on the Galapagos Islands including the famous Giant Tortoise, the intelligent Finches  and the new different species that lives in caves. I have found this topic really interesting. I also have a new favourite animal which is the Marine Iguana. I have learnt that the Islands were created millions of year ago and that they used to be volcanos. Another thing I have learnt during this topic is that every animal on the Galapagos Islands came from another place on earth, for example the Galapagos Penguin that used to be  Emperor Penguins that got swept from Antarctica in a current.  I would like to learn about how other different animals and why they  evolved to the environment they live in now. A topic for next social studies should be about planes.

Thanks Guys for reading I will be back next week with another blog post!


Monday 18 May 2015

Sport Monitor and Catholic Character!

This year I have taken on two responsibilities which are Sport Monitor and Catholic Character. I am on Sport monitor on Fridays  morning tea and lunch and with Catholic Character I am in charge of any school masses.

The way I have helped other students while being a sport monitor is when someone needs gear from the P.E. shed they can just ask me where any of the sport equipment and I can help then get it. How I have helped with being a Catholic Character is by helping out at school masses and other religious things.
There are many different thing that have made me enjoy these  two jobs especially as a Catholic Character leader sometimes the team gets to leave school for another meeting somewhere in Wellington.

 There is really nothing I have learnt about these two jobs and also nothing really challenging.

A suggestion for sport leader is that the teachers are a lot more stricter on how people treat the equipment especially when people break or lose gear. A suggestion for Catholic Character is that Year Seven's can do it because this year there are only five people including me in the Catholic Character team which I think isn't a lot of people

Thank you guys for reading this post I will be back next week for another one and.......


Tuesday 12 May 2015


On Wednesday a young man named Vane from the ASB bank came in to talk to our class about financial stuff and how to save money. Vane talked to our class for just over an hour. He also made us make our own CAT goal. My C.A.T. goal was to buy a new bike and if I got twenty dollars a week it would take me 46 weeks to save up for a new one.

I did find this lesson really worthwhile and fun, because he taught us different ways to save our money and how to use credit cards and what our income would be for different jobs. For example if you were a lawyer you would get paid more than being a checkout man who works at the supermarket. Vane also taught us how kids could earn money really easily.

There were many key point from the lesson but I think the main one is to never tell ANYONE your PIN number and to always make it something no one else will know.

I think I will be able to manage my money well. At the start of the lesson Vane made up put both of our hands in the air and then slap them together and see where our thumbs land on out hand. If your left thumb was over your right thumb it would mean you where not good with money, if you right thumb was over your left it would mean you where good with money and if you thumbs where side by side it would mean you where alright with money. Sure enough my left thumb was over my right thumb and that meant I was not smart with money until Vane said it was completely made up.

The thing that I could improve my money management is by saving up more and not to spend the money I earn.

Thank you for reading this blog post this week I will be back next week with another one.


Sunday 3 May 2015


On Friday of Week 2 Term 2 the whole school had a thing called a Mission Fair. The Mission Fair is where all of the Year 6's and up have to run a stall and try to raise as much money to go to (I'm  pretty sure) Caritas  to support Vanuatu.

What Where Some Of The Things That Went Well With My Stall

There were many different things that went well with my groups stall. Oh by the way we did pillow fighting in Room 11. The people that were in the group with me was Henry, JL, Liam, Harry, Josh and I. I feel sad for Josh, Harry and JL because they had to do all of the tidying up because Liam and I went to Henry's grandmothers funeral of Friday. I only spent about 45 minutes at the mission fair. One of the things that went well was that in the first minute heaps of Year 5's and 4's piled up in our store. It was complete chaos in the pillow fight arena. After the big fight our stall was basically empty but the music Harry brought us kept us entertained for a while.

What Are Some Of The Thing That Could Of Gone Better

Our stall was basically perfect except that the layout could of been better. Also another thing is that JL, Harry and Josh didn't had to all of he tidying up, I mean when I left halfway through we did a bit of tidying but not much.

Thank you guys for reading this weeks blog post. I will be back next week with another one!