Monday 23 March 2015

How Camp Went!


First of all let me get something straight. CAMP WAS THE BEST! Done.
On Monday morning all of the year eight got together on the school drive way and then we set off for our journey to Hillary Outdoors. Its only the second best camp in New Zealand. We did all sorts of different activities including caving, high ropes, canoeing, flying fox, overnight camping. bridge jumping, tramping and many more fun activities.  
The most challenging thing for me was the bridge jumping. Before you jumped it looked so far down and the really cold water was so nerve racking.
Most of the stuff was challenging except the overnight camp wasn't so challenging to me because I go proper camping quite a lot. But the thing that was challenging on the overnighter was putting up the tent. I think most people struggled with putting up the tents.

My proudest moment defiantly was jumping off the 7M bridge and all of the freedom when you where jumping off.

The easiest Thing for me was the canoeing.

My favourite moment was when I was in the caves and I completed the Pooh's Bear Crack. The crack was about 30 cm wide and I have always been scared of tight spaces and I think I'm now over that fear.

OPC was such a great experience and I will never forget it. All of the memories will stay with me forever.

Monday 9 March 2015

Group Skills


For the past couple of weeks our syndicate has been working on group skills. So far we have done two group tasks well completed on and working on the other one and today I will tell you a bit on how they went and what went well.

Cricket Project!

Three weeks ago our teacher gave us this cricket project about the ICC Cricket World Cup where we got put into partners and we hade to do a power point and a poster. I got put with Katherine Robson and I did the power point on the first week and she did the poster on the second week. The thing that went well was that we worked together to finish both tasks, and the thing that didn't go so well was that we argued quite a lot. I think our quality was pretty good and I'm sure it made us both feel proud, well I know I felt good about our progress. The thing that could help our next group assignment is that we could both help and work well together.

Art Project

Last week our syndicate all got into groups of three or four and we started work on our Maori legend art work. The people in my group are Ethan, Fraser and I. We are planning on doing this Maori village on one side of the A 2 piece of paper and on the other there is this giant god having rainbow over him. The thing that is going well is that we all have a picture in our head on what we are going to do and that we are all contributing somehow to this artwork. There isn't really anything that didn't go well because we all know what's going on and we are all great friends.
Thank-you for reading my blog post this week and I will be back next week for another one and
Goodbye!  For now!

Monday 2 March 2015

Stuff I Learnt…...


Today I am going to talk about Stuff I have Learnt about in the past few weeks.

Mount Pelee!

Mount Pelee is an active volcano on the island of Martinique. Its last eruption was in 1902 which killed the whole town of St. Pierre with about 30,000 people in it and only three survived. within minutes thousands were killed. Most deaths where caused by pryoclastic flows. At the time Martinique was the largest town in the West Indies.

The volocanos hight is 1397m high which is over 1 kilometere high. The chain around Pelle is aproximatly 850km and the eaisest route to the top is by walking. There are many other active volocanos around the West Indies and the Carrabian.

New Person!

Dhyanesh is one of my new friends in the class room 11 that I have learnt about this year.  One thing I learnt about Dhyanesh is that he is really good at basic facts. His high score is 100 and his fastest time is about 1minuite and 30 seconds. I didnt know this about Dhyanesh but I always thought he can from India but it turns out he comes from Sri Lanka. Its also very good that he is from Sri Lanka because room 11 has Sri Lanka for their class for the cricket world cup and on Monday he brought in all of these flags from Sri Lanka and I think it is awesome that he brang in all of that stuff.

Somthing Else!

Another thing that I learnt is that……… Sistastics is actually very fun…….I never thought I would be into such a thing. Sistasics is an area in maths where you do all different types of graphs, collecting data and many other fun activities.

Thank you guys for reading my blog post for this week. I will be back next week for another one and until next time