Monday 27 July 2015

A Very Good/ Sad Memory!

Last Holidays (not the one we just had the one before) my Nan died.
She died of A blood cancer called M.M.. It was a slow death so we had a lot of time to prepare. During the holidays we new she was going to die in the next few weeks so, my cousins from Australia and my other one and my family basically stayed up at my Nan and Pop's house the whole holidays. In the first week of the holidays she had to go into the hospital for five days. On the first Friday she was released from hospital and the doctors said she was only going to live for another week and a half. During that week and a half I stayed at my Nan and Pop's most of the time. Since it was summer and it wasn't raining, my cousin and I brought up our bikes and we made a big jump out of dirt. I also remember playing backyard cricket most days. My highlight of that holiday was that all of my Nan's grandchildren painted her coffin with flowers and all of our names on it.

It was a holiday I will always remember. It wasn't the best holiday or the worse but it brought our family closer a lot more!

What is your favourite thing to eat for dinner?