Monday 31 March 2014



 HEY DOODS! I just wanted to do this post to say thank you to all the people who are leaving thoughtful comments to my blog.
Ive had about 13 comments on one post and about 5 or 6 on the other ones just saying thanks and BYE!!

Sunday 30 March 2014

things i like doing which is fun

Pool Time!!!

Most kids dont even have a pool or even a spa all to the sleves well familys. Well im one of the lucky ones my family has both. As you already know from other posts I love the sport swimming I just cant help it its real fun. I love swimming lenth to lenth with out an instructor telling me what to do. The things I like about it is that if the pool has a little chill on it we can just hop into the spa and on really hot days we can just jump straghit into the pool. I try to have a swim everyday in the summer and that was my post for next week and 240 pageviwes thats amazing for my first 9 weeks on blogger. I also have a favor for you to do can you please leave a comment on how much you would like a pool and BYE!!!

Sunday 23 March 2014



Statistics has been a thing that our two classes have been learing this past term. statistics has been pretty fun but not the funnest topic. In statistics includes graphs median, mode, mean and range also pie graphs.

What areas hae I improved on?

The stuff I have improve in the most is the understanding of the graphs. I also imporved in everthing ive already lernt a bit.

What do  i need to work on? 

The stuff i need to work on is Im not actully sure what I need to work on 

What did I do during the topic that helped me learn effectively ?

the stuuf I did effectively was the mean, median, mode and range.

And that was my post for this week. BYE!

Thursday 13 March 2014


BOO HOO! EOTC week is over..
This week has be such  a great experience I loved it.
My 3 faviourte things we did was going sailing, camp Katoke and Capital E [media lab]…
The year 7's also did sport at Narnville park and walk up mt kau kau and did some sport..

The stuff I personally found most chanllgeing were 
walking up mt kau kau, it was a bit changllgeing,
media lab was a bit and sailing….

This week was what I expected all of the stuff was fun and nice to

My proudest moments were completing sailing without getting
sea sick and winning this game called camouflage wicth we played at
Camp Kitoke…

The stuff I found easy were the media lab where we had to make a 2d video game it was a great

I love EOTC  week it was great fun and I cant wait till next year so i can
go to camp wicth will be way funner…..

Sunday 2 March 2014

Every Tuesday morning the year 7 and 8 students take a bus down to Kilbirne pool.
If you are an advanced swimmer you get to choose out of 4 things you would
like to do. 
I chose diving out of water safety, snorkeling, kayaking or diving.
Diving is so fun because we get to jump off the 1 meter board and the 3 meter board.
I like jumping off the 3 meter board as it feels good halfway in the air - then splat on the water!
I personally love diving because it's such a fun thing to do. And if you have a fear of jumping off
high stuff, diving would really help.